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- - fix a bug when forcing a burning speed
- - update translations
- - 0000244: [bug] improved support of plextor premium
- - 0000246: [Bug] Media not closed after burning
- - 0000243: [Suggestion] Blindwrite v6.0.0.16: Save window position and log window location on close.
- - 0000242: [Suggestion] Blindwrite v6.0.0.16: Process Bar Location
- - new translations
- - new EZPlay
- - fix a potential issue with some cue/bin archives
- - log is docked by default now
- - update an application graphic
- - update installation script
- - include a gateway for DVD movie application
- - update some translation
- - update version checking information
- - new ez-play with better support for vista 64bits
- - new patin couffin 36 with driver signed
- - fix a link to the update files
- - update some translations
- - new writing strategy for CDR
- - compatible with anydvd active.
- - new ez-play fixes incompatibilities with third party program ( Nero 7 , AnyDVD , etc... )
- - new ez-play fixes uninstallation issues.
- - update some translation
- - fix incorrect installation of EZ-Play
- - fix some registry key location
- - graphics update
- - fixed blu ray command
- - various minor fixes
- - new unlock text format
- - support blu-ray ( thanks to pioneer and tdk help )
- - Update playability for recent games backup
- - automatic media detection
- - select burn speed
- - eject bug fixed
- - new graphic
- - introduce ez-play
- ==================================================================
- 5.2.24 - various ressources update
- - add new code to identify CD manufacturor
- - compiled with Delphi 2006
- 5.2.23 - use patin couffin drivers version 35
- 5.2.21 - use patin couffin 33
- 5.2.19 - use patin couffin 32
- 5.2.18c - use patin couffin 30
- 5.2.18 - use latest burning engine
- - use patin couffin 29
- - improve support of NEC 455x family ( RAM )
- - improve the support of new Panasonic drives
- 5.2.16 - drive enumeration code updated
- - matsushita 311 supported
- 5.2.15 - update UDF read and write engine.
- - compiled with Delphi 2005
- - fix media and drive database connection
- - fix a skin problem in some cases
- - update some translations.
- 5.2.14 - minor changes in burn engine.
- 5.2.13 - latest burn engine
- 5.2.10 - update burn engine and add log informations.
- 5.2.9 - patin couffin 27 - even better !
- 5.2.8 - patin couffin 26
- - improved stability
- - improved performance
- - faster and more reliable topology extraction
- - various language update
- ! a new autoplay will come later
- 5.2.6 - fixe a problem with cd audio
- 5.2.5 + Potential error 00 04 08 with USB/Fire wire drive is fixed
- + In Copy page, when the working folder is on a location that no longer exist, the working folder is reset to default (my documents\Blindwrite)
- + Buffering improved (for increased writing speed)
- 5.2.4 + Fixed a bug that was ruining audio cd backups û image of audio CD doesnÆt need to be re-extracted
- 5.2.3 + fix a problem in the list of burner which caused some units to not appear when the units were not ready.
- 5.2.2 +
- 5.2.1 + importing mode 2 cue/bin files fixed
- + importing b5t mode 2 fixed
- + fix problems when reading
- + patin couffin 24 ( working with blindwrite v4 again )
- 5.2 + Support Double layer drives and media
- + add vso start as an option at installation time
- + fix a uninitialized value who caused crashes
- + Update or add some translations
- + patin couffin 23 added ( support windows 64bits edition )
- 5.1.10 + Fixed write error with ISO images and DVD-RW
- û the trigger was an ISO image that may fit on a CD, but written on a DVD-RW
- - Application no longer freeze at the very beginning of the media formatting
- - Source combobox in Write page parse and remember correctly root folders
- - DVD+RW correctly ejected after writing
- - Writing progress displayed in task bar
- 5.1.9 + implement 1st session only for cd audio backup compatibility
- 5.1.8 + implement new finalization code
- + support Double Layer DVD
- + solve a case of "drive not ready to extract"
- + Autoplay V6 improve atip management and solve plug/unplug problem
- 5.1.7 + Fix a import topology issue with Alcohol images
- + implement the TAO write mode
- + uses patin couffin drivers v22
- 5.1.6 + writing engine updated
- + fix layer information in dvd image extraction.
- 5.1.5 + cosmetic changes for translation
- + updated help file
- + improve sleep mode.
- 5.1.4 + fix problems with P4 3.06 HT
- + fix a spanning bug of .iso profile
- + embed patin couffin 21
- + read more media ( gap )
- 5.1.3 + cosmetic changes
- + new iso profil added
- + various fixes
- 5.1.1 + rw tools added
- + some translation updated
- + various fix
- + new profiles added
- - If you experience problems with this version , please consider to rollback to 5.0.2 version
- 5.1.0 + Autoplay V5
- + rewritten topology extraction engine
- + patin couffin 19
- + updated burning engine
- + introduce profiles
- 5.0.7 + integrate patin-couffin 18
- + support of topology for dvd-rom
- + correct some potential problem with autorun routines.
- Cosmetic changes (application title and caption, translation)
- + Added 3 possible CD write speed (x4, x8, x16)
- + Added forms into translation engine
- + various fixes and optimizations
- + integrate patin-couffin 17
-* Fixed writing speed issue in automatic mode
- * Fixed Mixed mode extraction issue (bug introduced in version
- * Fixed tweak options not properly working
- * Improved write initialization to workaround a problem with SONY DRU series
- * Fixed writing of DVD-R images
- * Cosmetic fixes
- Huge Improvement of Topology writing, mess misdetection, better quality
- + autoplay version 4 (for Win2K/XP/2003/Longhorn) - more features, more support, more accurate
- * fixed a bug in autoplay driver that could cause a crash under windows 2K with via chipset mobo
- + log entries modified
- * fixed closing app while reading toc led to a access violation
- Added more tweak options
-* Fixed a bug that prevented multiple extractions
- - Removed audio prompt when user is skipping topology
- * fixed locked up copy process if a rewritable media couldn't be erased
- * Fixed completion prompt played too early
- * Make the copy status for copy prohibited media (some video dvd) more clear
- * fixed deletion of all the images if the read operation is cancelled
- * fixed some refresh issues
- * Fixed some writers indicating a x0 speed
- * No longer try to extract topology on VCD
- Improved decision algorythm for subcodes extraction
-* Extraction problem fixed with LiteOn drives
- Improved detection of the necessity to extract subcodes
- + Improved readability of the very last sectors of a given media
- Added support for older protected media
- * fixed cosmetic and translation problems
- * Fixed display and refreshing bug in Write page
-* The "last sector bug" was not a bug, the "fix" has been removed
- Added support for CDRWIN, FireBurner CUE SHEET (CUE) image format
- * This support doesn't include compressed audio file as image
- * Fixed a bug in write engine that caused the last sector to be replaced by bogus data
-* Fixed a bug on MDS importer
- + Added support for Alcohol (MDS) image format
- * Topology extraction defaut speed set to *4
- + Added a feature to skip topology extraction
- + Added a warning when image file already exists on disc
- + Added support for CloneCD (CCD) image format
- * Some translation issues and component sizes are corrected
- + Added a general sound setting that en/disable all the sounds
- + Added support in sound for ogg vorbis format
- + added prompts in English and French for the 5 sound events.
- + ISO image support for CD
- $ the problem that cause topology to be written even if it's useless still exists
- + experimental support of bw4 image file format
- * various fixes
- + rewritten read engine, improved to support more hardware
- * Assertion failure removed
- * all image files are properly removed if needed
- + file format update, you have to redo images.
- + some settings added
- + new spanning information
- + improved weak sector detection and handling
- ...
- + improve extraction speed with several units / eject fixed
- ...
- + more stable, LiteOn support improvements.
- * Fixed an issue about extraction